Reframing Education

Culture & Climate – Level 3

Culture and Climate

Use the contents of this page to guide your "Reframing" discussions. Refer to the section "Culture and Climate" of your Guidebook.


Creating Relationships

How can relationships between stakeholders be established and fostered? How will transitions for students from grade to grade or to new buildings be eased?

How can relationships between stakeholders be established and fostered? 

Building a Culture of Success- Mark Wilson

How will transitions for students from grade to grade or to new buildings be eased?

Staggered starts and looping of teachers from previous years teacher pening licensure. 

Consider student needs (anxiety, social difficulties, resistance to change) to schedule visitation/preview of educational (classroom) setting for the upcoming year.

Refer to the "Culture and Climate" section of your Guidebook to guide your discussions, take notes and add comments.


PBIS / Discipline

How will Discipline look? How will implementation and on-going engagement in PBIS be facilitated?

How will discipline look?


How will implementation and on-going engagement in PBIS be facilitated? 


How will problems be handled in remote learning? 

A 4 Step Plan for Handling Problem Behaviors Remotely

How will PBIS be handled at home during remote learning?

Supporting Families with PBIS at home

Creating A PBIS Behavior Teaching Matrix for Remote Instruction


Positive Recognition of Students and Staff

How can we build systems and procedures that recognize students and staff in a meaningful manner?

How can we build systems and procedures that recognize students and staff in a meaningful manner?

Article – 5 Ways to Change & Improve School 

Article – Climate & Culture

Revisit building PBIS system celebrating successes and accomplishments. 

Consider investing additional time to celebrate successes to build culture and climate. 

What platform will be used to communicate positive recognition of students and staff? 

Consider weekly newsletter or videos to upload to social media and send out to families through email. 


Focus on Equity

Equity in education means that each child has access to relevant and challenging academic experiences and educational resources necessary for success. Equity must remain at the forefront of short- and long-term goals, responses and supports.

Can a survey to parents and the community on availability of resources and how can be accessed be done? 


How can you work with your local union to identify the parameters of a school day and access to families? 


Are there grants available to provide connectivity to families who do not have access? 


Are there other funding options that could be explored and used to help learning take place? 




Partners represent the collective action needed to support each child and increase the likelihood of student success.  Evaluate and elaborate on how the extending and leveraging partnerships can apply to this area.

Can the local ESC help create a positive culture when coordinating new adjustments? 


How can the local Mental Health Recovery Boards, Family First Councils and Business Advisory Councils collaborate and share in the communication with the district families? 


Are there bilingual/multilingual community members that can serve as a family liaisons to gather information about language and culture to help support home learning? 

Understand each families’ needs and preferences for support in their home language

Have multilingual staff/volunteers record or provide written instructions for families in their home languages.


Quality Schools

The entire school must commit to educating and supporting students so they acquire the knowledge and skills needed for future success. Those working inside and outside of the school should have a shared definition of future success. A shared understanding will help each child reach his or her goal.

What does success look like for staff? 


What does success look like for students? 


How can we reach a successful future and sustain it? 


Thank you to the collaborative group who created the discussion questions and contents of this page:
Lonny Rivera – North Point ESC
Jennifer Crum – Mid-Ohio ESC
Dan Lowmiller – Stark County ESC
Dayne Michael – Brown County ESC
Deanna Steiner – Clark County ESC
Rachel Glass – Mercer County ESC