District & Building Level Considerations – Level 3

Building & District Level Educational Considerations & Planning

Use the contents of this page to guide your "Reframing" discussions. Refer to the "Building & District Level Educational Considerations & Planning" section of your guidebook.


Course Offerings/Design Determinations

Vertical alignment to address gaps in remote learning, best use of instructional time

Can we align the communication tools such as schedules for the day so that all teachers, buildings and the like are sharing from a familiar platform?  (ie Drund, Remind or Google Classroom etc)

5 Gs Remote Learning Framework

Google Classroom

Hicksville Schools use of Padlet for communication – example of district use – has been successful

What standards were taught during the remote learning period?

General:  Copy of Gap closing- remote learning

Specific Review Standards – Specific Review Standards from the QM K-12 Rubric, Fifth Edition

Can we create a timeline for progress reports to be submitted for each student, class, grade level and building detailing which standards for the grade level were taught and which were not?


What supports are planned to help with the gaps in curriculum?

Math Gap Planning COVID-19

ELA Gap Planning COVID-19

How can we narrow the focus and teach the most important content?

Refer to the "District & Building Level Educational Considerations & Planning" section of your Guidebook to guide your discussions, take notes and add comments.


Expectations for Learning

Ensure student work covers content that would have been addressed if the school were in session in a brick-and-mortar setting

Should the instruction be monitored to include Ohio’s Learning Standards mapped electronically?


In a hybrid model, what are the essentials to communicate face to face (new content, differentiation, intervention)?

Blended Learning Strategies


Remote Learning 101 | Ditch That Textbook – modules on a variety of topics – brief and practical

Does the learning model include a lesson plan or guiding instructional framework?


Hybrid Teaching Workbook

How should we adjust local assessment plans and calendars?


How do we develop and maintain a consistent sense of belonging and relationship with students when we are in and out of school or only in school part of the year?

Aspirations for Student Culture


Grading and Assessment Practices and Policies

More structured, uniform grading practices, more frequent & intentional progress reports, communication of grades and progress to parents and students

Should districts continue with a traditional letter grade scale or possibly utilize a K-6 standards-based reporting of student learning grading system?

The Grid Method


Assessment and Grading in the Pandemic


Should We Consider Pass/Fail Grading?

How can teachers provide timely and robust feedback for students since 60 percent of communication in nonverbals is lost in remote learning?

Assessments and Grading in the Midst of a Pandemic – Thomas R. Guskey & Associates

Will the grading system differ for elementary, middle and high school students?



Instructional Time Considerations

Determine a reasonable number of instructional hours and minutes the same way you would plan your in-person schedules – more time for critical content areas

How often should students receive direct instruction remotely via a Zoom or Google Meet (or through a video recording)to be equivalent to face to face instruction?


Remote Learning 101 – free mini courses


Guiding questions for models of education

How do you consider time constraints of families with multiple children in the district (limited devices, wifi access, and google or zoom meetings that may conflict)?



How do we adjust student schedules to allow for additional time for:

Student academic intervention and enrichment

Additional time for hand washing, sanitizing desks, and other good hygiene practices

Additional time for passing/transition periods and rest room usage


Guiding questions for models of education


Schedules for Teachers

What grade levels, which day? Staggered Start? How does this work for working caregivers? Check in for students online, Attendance, Schedule Changes

Do we consider “ looping” teachers when feasible since relationships were formed last year to aid in SEL concerns? 


What is looping?

How can we provide professional development throughout the year to support the different models of education being considered?


How do we work with teachers who cannot attend school because of their own or their families’ health concerns? Can we re-purpose them to lead online learning? 


Top 10 Free Training Courses for Online Teachers

What will be the maximum class size and how often should a class meet?


What expectations should we have for teachers when leading online learning?

Virtual Learning Expectations (Central Ohio ESC)

Quality Matters- Virtual Course Design Rubric Standards



Consider a measure that encourages consistent attendance, creation and implementation of uniform attendance policy

What can be done to ensure that students participate within the school day hours more consistently?

Classroom Management & Computer Monitoring Software

What defines consistent attendance? How is this measured for students who have no internet access?


How can we collect and examine student attendance data to determine trends?


How K–12 Schools Monitor Attendance During Remote Learning

How can we prepare families with immunocompromised family members to make the decision about attendance or remote learning? What assurances can we provide? 


Seven steps to sending elementary kids back to school and parents back to work


Focus on Equity

Equity in education means that each child has access to relevant and challenging academic experiences and educational resources necessary for success. Equity must remain at the forefront of short- and long-term goals, responses and supports

How do we ensure access for all students to equitable learning opportunities?

Equity in Education COVID 19 Resources from the Midwest and Plains Equity Center

Midwest and Plains Equity Center COVID 19 Resources and Support

When considering students with disabilities and the economically disadvantaged, what can we do about students with limited resources to provide fair and equitable access to the content?

Preparing to Reopen: Six Principles That Put Equity at the Core


How can we ensure that there are supports provided to families who are in need of technology, support with the curriculum, and access to resources?


How do we accommodate special education students with medical fragility and other specific medical needs upon our return?


How do we address the inequities among students in having devices, internet access and at-home support to consistently apply themselves at home in learning online?


How do we assist students who were disengaged during online learning because they did not feel challenged?

Best Websites for Gifted Children and Students


Hoagies’ Gifted Kids & Teens



Partners represent the collective action needed to support each child and increase the likelihood of student success.  Evaluate and elaborate on how the extending and leveraging partnerships can apply to this area. 

Is it possible to reduce class sizes using spaces within the school district community as off-campus classrooms?

Use of community centers, church classrooms, and other spaces unique to the community for some face to face if necessary.

How does our partnerships with career tech programs, CCP and other programs expand with a greater definition of the learning experience (hybrid face to face online)?

Covid 19 Impact on CCP 

How can we establish and train a multi-agency crisis management team to address psychological and emotional concerns and post-traumatic stress syndrome counseling?


The TECIP Manual


Resource for Traumatic Event Crisis Intervention Plan

In the event that someone completes sucide 


Quality Schools

The entire school must commit to educating and supporting students so they acquire the knowledge and skills needed for future success. Those working inside and outside of the school should have a shared definition of future success. A shared understanding will help each child reach his or her goal.

How is the educational experience rich and individualized through various modes of receiving the lessons (face to face, online, staggered schedule)?


What are the skills necessary for students to succeed in a remote learning environment?

Five Needed Skills To Succeed Online

Thank you to the collaborative group who created the discussion questions and contents of this page:
Angela Terella – Summit County ESC
Matt Young – Summit County ESC
James Cutlip – Madison-Champaign ESC
Kris Dobbelaere – Northwest Ohio ESC
Gary Herman – Putnam County ESC
Heather Sass – Bulter County ESC
Chris Brown – Butler County ESC
Bill Bosheff – Trumbull County ESC
Angela Guarnieri – Trumbull County ESC
Susan McFarland – Brown County ESC