Technology Needs – Level 3

Technology Needs

Use the contents of this page to guide your "Reframing" discussions. Refer to the "Technology Needs" section of your guidebook.


Establish /ensure internet access for all students

Data from technology director, internet provider, parents surveys

Do all students in your district have access to the Internet at home?

Article – Digital Equity- Supporting Students & Families in Out-of-School Learning 


Survey Example – The district calls households using its phone notification system


Survey Example – Ellenville School District Internet/Technology Access Survey

What are the barriers to internet access in the home?

Article – Student Access to Digital Learning Resources Outside of the Classroom

How can we ensure equal access to digital learning?

Article – Hotspot discount programs are ending. What other options are there?


Article – Creativity in crisis: WiFi buses narrow the digital divide

Refer to the "Technology Needs" section of your Guidebook to guide your discussions, take notes and add comments.


Hardware Needs 

What devices are available, what are needed for purchase?

What are the districts’ needs for student devices moving forward for the 2020-2021 school year?

District Technology Inventory

What is the need for student WIFI and how can we add more access points for students to access WIFI?

Article – Access Points

  • Cost

  • Locations


Software Needs 

Make determinations on software purchases

Any Prebuilt Content that can be modified to help teachers have a starting point?


What are our teachers’ needs during virtual learning? 

Article – 10 Strategies for Online Learning During a Coronavirus Outbreak 


Tech-related Training for Students

What training is necessary? Who will plan and provide?

What training and support is needed for preschool, elementary, middle and high school students to support knowledge, fluency, and engagement of technology for remote learning?

Resource Guide – Resource – Remote Learning Resource Guide During the Coronavirus Pandemic Ordered School-Building Closure 


Website Resource-


Article – What should a Preschooler Know About Technology? 


Article – How to Integrate Technology 

Does the district’s plan for remote learning include technology training/tutorials and supports for students and families?

Example – Wake County Public School System


Tech-related Training for Caregivers 

What training is necessary? Who will plan and provide?

How can we find out what  caregivers already know about technology?

Survey to find out what parents/caregivers already know or what they would like to know

How much time do caregivers have to learn something new?

Articles and/or videos on tech tools

YouTube Playlists 


Website – Ditch That Textbook 

What training and support is available for caregivers so that they can support their students at home?


Article – LAUSD Survey: 64% of Parents Need More Tech Training for Remote Learning


The Parent’s Guide to Educational Technology 


Tech-related Training for Teachers 

What training is necessary? Who will plan and provide?

What are the school’s technology needs?

Needs Assessment 

Future Ready Planning Dashboard

How can our school create a culture and conditions for innovation and change in the area of educational technology?

Article with video- Creating a Culture and Conditions for Innovation and Change

How will we ensure that technology is enabling our school to gather strong formative and summative assessment data to inform instruction?

Article: Measuring for Learning

How will our school ensure that all teachers receive adequate training to use technology with their students?

Survey Example


Survey Example


Survey Example


Focus on Equity

Equity in education means that each child has access to relevant and challenging academic experiences and educational resources necessary for success. Equity must remain at the forefront of short- and long-term goals, responses and supports.

What uses of technology can schools use to promote learning, development and success for ALL students?

Article – Equity During COVID-19 Means Meeting Every Student’s Unique Need


Article – Smart Tech Use for Equity

How can schools create a robust infrastructure that goes beyond connecting students to the internet and provides state-of-the-art digital learning resources, encourages responsible citizenship, and protects student data and privacy that can be used in school and at home? 



Article with videos – Equity During COVID-19 Means Meeting Every Student’s Unique Need


Article – How Access to Technology Can Create Equity in Schools


Article – Closing the Digital Learning Gap


Survey Example 

How can schools determine if their uses of technology support a vision of equity?

Article – Toolkit for “Smart Tech Use for Equity”


Survey Example


Sample Survey Answers 



Partners represent the collective action needed to support each child and increase the likelihood of student success.  Evaluate and elaborate on how the extending and leveraging partnerships can apply to this area.

Are there any local partnerships to support (devices) technology for students and parents?

Strategies to Support Learning Along a Continuum of Internet Access

Are there any local partnerships to support Internet access?

Identifying Internet Providers and Getting Connected

How can we seek out support necessary for our students to have access at home?


Article – How to Engage Community Partners


Article – Collaboration: Partnerships and Beyond Working With Administration, Staff, Parents and the Community Allows Complete Integration of New Technology Resources


Website – Future Ready Planning Dashboard


Quality Schools

The entire school must commit to educating and supporting students so they acquire the knowledge and skills needed for future success. Those working inside and outside of the school should have a shared definition of future success. A shared understanding will help each child reach his or her goal.

What tools or supports do leaders need to maintain a strong knowledge base in technology to ensure high quality schools? 

Article – The Empowered Superintendent 

How can school leaders develop a shared vision for how technology can support learning?

Article – Eight Ways to Model Technology Use 


Article – Office of Educational Technology 

Thank you to the collaborative group who created the discussion questions and contents of this page:
Wendi Moorman – Mercer County ESC
Ed Mackiewicz – Trumbull Count ESC
Amy Rossler – Trumbull County ESC
Caren Maniaci – Muskingum Valley ESC